Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Getting ECNR Clearance @ Bangalore

The Passport office is on the Brunton Road, off MG Road (Just next to ING Vyasa Bank)
(Passport Office, 1A, Brunton Road, Bangalore -560025; Tel: 080 - 25584901, 25584543, 25584536)

Documents Required:

  1. Passport (Original and xerox)
  2. Proof of ECNR Eligibility (B. Tech mark-sheet –Original and Xerox) (Do not know about 10th or 12th certificates being accepted)
  3. Completed Form#2 with 1 passport size photograph (
  4. In case the Passport is not issued in Bangalore, then proof of stay for the last 1 year is required in the form of any 1 of telephone bill, mobile bill, gas connection, Letter from employer. The address on these should be your home address and office addresses are not accepted. (Original and Xerox).
  5. Rs. 300 fees

The Xerox will be submitted along with the application whereas the original will just be seen and returned back at the same moment. I don’t know if the attested copies can be used to verify the Xerox in place of originals.

Procedure: There are two ways of going about it-long and short way. Fill the form#2 in all respects and be ready with the documents (original and Xerox)

Long way: There is one common queue for all work related to passport. You have to stand in the queue and then submit your application. The office opens at 9.30 AM but by 9.00 AM there were around 150 persons in the queue, so I didn’t try this way. Even the method of spending 300-400 bucks to an agent will look a waste of money if you try the short way.

Short way(Suggested!!)

  1. Go to, Fill in the details and take the appointment.
  2. Take a printout of the appointment page and attach it with the application packet. The person at the counter checks specifically asks for this to be attached.
  3. Go at the stipulated time. Don’t be late than 5.30 PM as the office closes by that time.
  4. On the first floor, reach counter #7. The person there will verify your Xerox. Once done, he will move your application to counter #6. The person at counter #6 verifies your Xerox with the originals. He then moves the application to the counter #5. There he will ask for the fees of Rs. 300. He will give you a receipt and ask you to come next day after 3.30 PM
  5. Go the next day and then see if your name has been called for. When called, go with the receipt of Rs. 300. The person at the counter will take your sign against ‘ Passport Received’ and then verify this signatures with the ones in Passport. Once done, you are given your passport with ECNR Clearance. Its better to check the passport for the same.
  • Total Time taken for submission after you reached the counter (queue is usually small as very few people know about this procedure): 5 minutes
  • Total Time taken for receipt of passport on Day2: 5-20 minutes

The good points here being

  1. You don’t have to spend a lot of time if you documents are all present as required.
  2. The fees is taken only when your form is fully checked for accuracy and verified against originals.

Details on ECNR available at the following links:


Note: Persons above 50 years of age are automatically eligible for ECNR

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