Saturday, March 01, 2008

All About Blu-ray

With the end of format war and winning of Blu-ray, its time we get accustomed to what Blu-ray really it..the article from Tech2 helps a bit.

The format war is over, and Blu-ray has won. During the war the Sony camp was referred to as the Boys in Blue, while HD DVD were the Boys in Red. Slowly and steadily the latter became less and less of a contender, and then it happened: one of the biggest Reds (Warner) upped and left. After that HD DVD came crashing down, and the lights finally went out late last week.

So Blu-ray is our next form of optical storage, and it will become popular in India soon. Demand has to be created for the product – and this time let's please not dilly-dally, we always lag behind when it comes to tech stuff (whiny tone). We enjoyed some HD content through our PS3, and it looks insane. So it's about time.

Complete article at link

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