Thursday, December 27, 2007

QSB Dean answers

Erin Pooley of Canadian Business magazine interviewed Queen's School of Business dean, David Saunders and the same featured in the October 22,2007 issue of the magazine. The following are some questions and key points out of the interview.

The Canadian economy is on a roll. Jobs are aplenty. Is an MBA still worth it?

An MBA is like an annuity. It's an investment, and the return on that investment is 12% to 20%, on average. Think about going to the bank and making an investment. Why on earth wouldn't you if you knew you could increase your salary that much?....

What about the flow of MBA students in and out of Canada?

More Canadians are going to business schools in the United States on scholarship as a result of changes in U.S. visa requirements, which have stopped students from other countries going. On the flip side, Canadian schools do not have the same visa restrictions, and we're now getting more applications from certain countries....

What's one of the biggest challenges for MBA schools moving forward?

How to teach the next generation of students. Whoever figures this one out first is going to have a leg up. They grew up with Facebook, the iPod and the BlackBerry. The challenge isn't really the tools, it's how to use those to further education....

Other Questions:

What are some of the biggest changes you've seen in business education in Canada over the past five to 10 years?

What's the next big trend in business education?


Catch the entire interview here

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